PUBG Tips: 15 Things We Should We Knew Before Playing

 PUBG Tips: 15 Things We Wish We Knew Before Playing

A Note on
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds A game that knocks players to the rock bottom with little to no explanation of mechanics or other elements. Learning the ins and outs of the game can be part of the fun as you get better, but there are many ways to improve the game to make your PUBG experience even more enjoyable.

Here are 15 tips on aspects of PUBG that may not be immediately apparent to you when you first play PUBG. These are things an experienced player will know and help get you closer to enjoying a delicious chicken his dinner.

Playerunknown's Battlegrounds launched in Early Access this year and has been very successful. Battlegrounds creator Brendan Greene says he has no plans to increase the price of the game after it exits Early Access and officially launches. The Xbox One version Microsoft will release is set to join the Game Preview program later this year, though it may not be a console exclusive forever.

Mute Voice Chat Using CTRL+T The first thing to do when launching
 Battlegrounds is 
to press CTRL+T. This will mute the in-game voice chat for the entire lobby. Trust us when we say this is an essential step.Firstly, when 100 people are waiting for the game to start, there will be all sorts of discernment that the game will soon be heard. Nonsense is tempting. Only from the point of view of avoiding loud noises is it a good idea. Not to mention the weird and disgusting things that often come out of the game's voice channel. You won't miss anything by muting random people you're playing with, so go ahead and listen and listen.

Gun Attachments Matter

Finding an assault rifle or sniper rifle can often make you feel prepared for the game, but most weapons Adding attachments greatly enhances them. For example, the AK-47 and SCAR can have difficult recoil management initially. But throw in some stock and an extended magazine and suddenly it's much more manageable.Using the right attachments for your gun will make it more effective and increase your chances of winning a shootout.

Recognize how less obtrusive accessories (such as foregrips and stocks) affect your use of the firearm and know what you need. If you know you're looking for a specific weapon, it might be worth grabbing an attachment before you actually find the weapon you want. Sometimes it helps to sacrifice a little space in your backpack for cheek pads in hopes of finding the weapon you want to attack. This is especially true with scopes: 2x, 4x, and 8x scopes are harder to come by than other sights, but the range you get with a rifle is more than picking someone up from a hidden position, or picking one up. It could mean some difference. You risk fighting in very close quarters.

Don't forget to check the firing modes

Almost every gun you pick up has multiple firing modes. Usually single shot and automatic. This is something we really want to pay attention to, but it's easy to forget. Even assault rifles default to single-shot when you pick them up, and if you forget to replace them, you might wonder why the rifle seems to have no bullets coming out when someone hits you

Press the B button to toggle the weapon's fire mode and pay attention to the settings. Some weapons have single, burst, and auto modes, others only one. Weapons that seem to always need to be automatic are also very useful as single-shot weapons. It reduces recoil and prevents you from accidentally wasting an extra shot.

Before you disarm or stow your weapon, check which firing mode you left it in (usually switch everything to auto before stowing). I hope it works as expected when you draw your weapon in the middle of a fight - it often happens that a player dies wanting to spray lead an enemy, but forgets that he only gets to one shot. became. Reset shooting mode.

Grenades can explode in your pocket

Just like in real life, grenades are very deadly and no less dangerous. What you don't immediately see, though, is that you could accidentally put a grenade down and blow yourself up with it. It is indeed very easy. When switching to a grenade, press the left mouse button to "drag the pin". This will give you ballistic markers that show you where to throw. Doing this activates the grenade. That means you only have a few seconds to remove the grenade. If you have a grenade, you can "cook" it so that it explodes on impact. However, during this time, it may be stored by mistake.

Equipping a grenade and then switching to another weapon essentially puts a live grenade back in your pocket (in other games like Call of Duty, you can turn off the grenade without throwing it). You can not). So moral: never do that. Treat grenades like bombs. If you're going to throw a grenade, make sure to remove it even if you change your mind.

Car spawns in a fixed position

Car is a calculated risk in his PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. You make a loud noise, letting everyone within a large radius know your exact location. But they are often essential to survival and even victory. Jumping in a car is the most effective way to escape the deadly blue forcefields that regularly narrow the map, giving you the chance to find gear without spending the majority of the game trying to waste your life run. get higher

However, finding a car in an emergency can be very difficult. They only appear at certain points on the map (usually near towns), so they are unlikely to be encountered most of the time. So take the time to make a mental note of where the car is or have a map showing where the car will appear. It can inform decisions about where to land when you first get to the island, and where to escape in case of trouble. Driving a
car with little protection from gunfire might seem like a great way out of a sticky situation. worst case.

Many players spot your passing car and fire at you. Cars can be easily destroyed and rendered inoperable by removing the tires. Being behind the wheel can make you an easy target for high-level players. Some like to stand in difficult spots like bridges and wait for people to cross them, and even in cars they often fall prey to experienced enemies. Don't ride in a car expecting safety.

Be careful when driving. If you try to get out of a moving car, you run the risk of being run over. Additionally, cars are very easily flipped over, making them vulnerable to other players.

Cars offer little protection from gunfire

Driving may seem like a good way out of a sticky situation. Sometimes the car can get out of a bad situation.

Many players spot your passing car and fire at you. Cars can be easily destroyed and rendered inoperable by removing the tires. Being behind the wheel can make you an easy target for high-level players. Some like to stand in difficult spots like bridges and wait for people to cross them, and even in cars they often fall prey to experienced enemies. Don't ride in a car expecting safety.

Be careful when driving. If you try to get out of a moving car, you run the risk of being run over. In addition, cars are very easily flipped over, making them vulnerable to other players.

You can change your car seat in an emergency

When you're driving a car, you're somewhat vulnerable in that you can't shoot someone with a gun. However, if you're smart, you can get around this limitation by changing your car seat on the fly.

Cars have E-brakes and boosters

Another thing that is often overlooked about cars is their special features. The car has electronic brakes and is bound to the spacebar by default. You can use this to quickly stop during sudden maneuvers or when you need to get off and start shooting. Also, there are boosters that can solve problems quickly.

Car boost is bound to the Shift key by default and greatly increases car speed. Use boost to escape when you can't see someone firing at you, or when you really need to escape the circle. Be aware, however, that using boost will consume your vehicle's gas much faster than normal driving. Gas canisters can be found all over the world to refuel your car when needed, but they rarely come to most players' minds. Your life is more important than your car, so use this boost generously.

It's easy to get used to playing PUBG as a very cautious player. Tap the X button to stow your weapon when you need to cover a wide area quickly. Running without holding anything allows you to move slightly faster than normal. This could mean the difference between running away from the blue force field to survive or being caught and killed.With energy drinks and pain killers you can increase his running speed even more. A few levels of boost will increase your character's speed by up to 6%. It doesn't sound like much, but in sticky situations, that little bit of momentum can mean the difference between life and death.

You can't hide in tall grass

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds islands are covered in foliage, and especially late in the game, people want to go outside and kill players or avoid her appearance. You may notice that there are We often see leaves that appear to protect themselves from predators. But be careful what you trust. In reality, there is a certain distance at which the grass is not visible from other players' point of view. What looks like a pretty dense patch to you might be pretty sparse to someone else. In general, don't expect to look invisible when hiding in nature. It may be hard to spot depending on your viewing distance, but it should be more noticeable than you think.

Use clues to find traps and ambushes

PUBG players love to set up ambushes. Too many players get stuck and often run in the open field to get a better position. There are many ways to hide, wait for someone to come and beat them. If the inner door is open in a building with the outer door closed, it indicates that someone wants you to wander in.

A particularly sneaky ambush is to put your car in a convenient spot for the player and wait for someone to run over to it. If you see a car outside, you should be alert immediately. However, there are some clues that can give you a trap. First, newly spawned cars have their brake lights turned off. If you see a car with a red light behind it, it means someone was driving and parked.

Of course, a clever player can trick you into thinking your parked car is fresh (and you can do the same to others). Even a seemingly safe car can become an ambush, as tapping the forward button on exit turns off the lights and the way you keep your car fresh makes it easy to park. A smart player parks the car he's driving invisibly behind a building so that approaching players don't notice what's waiting. So, as always, it's beneficial to be as cautious as possible, but paying attention to the cues around you can help you decide if you're safe.

Press Shift and hold your breath

There are three ways to aim your weapon in a PUBG fight. The first is the unassisted "butt-off" style, which allows easy unloading without pressing additional buttons. Holding down the right mouse button allows you to aim more precisely over the shoulder, which can be more accurate without sacrificing too much situational awareness. And finally, you can right-click to aim or scope through for maximum accuracy and maximum vulnerability.

Has a small bonus to his ability that he can hold his breath when in ADS (Aim Down Aim) view, slightly improving accuracy. Holding down the Shift key allows you to take a deep breath so you can aim a little more precisely and zoom down further. Holding your breath is important when sniping, but it's useful in any situation where you have the opportunity to line up shots at a player who doesn't know you're there.

You can almost completely ignore the pistol

For new players, it can feel like you need to be fully armed whenever you play PUBG. That said, always look for a better gun to fill the two main gun slots, and attachments for both and ammo, and keep a good pistol handy for his 3rd sidearm slot. I mean However, the more I play PUBG, the more I find that pistols are plentiful and not particularly useful, and I can basically ignore them.

Unless you're just starting out and don't really want a weapon, I wouldn't worry too much about a pistol. It costs nothing to carry the weapon itself, but the pistol you're picking up will likely require ammo that isn't compatible with other weapons. So if you're picking up a pistol that you want to keep loaded, you probably have extra ammo.The same goes for weapon attachments.Pistols and their attachments are plentiful

The problem is that you rarely have to fire a pistol. A fight in PUBG usually isn't long enough to swap out a lot of weapons, and between two gun slots, he likely has the ammo he needs for at least one weapon. Few thoughts of switching to a pistol in a tense moment. Leave room in your backpack for the gear you actually use.

It goes without saying that the silencer gives you a big advantage, but I can't say enough about how great the silencer is. If you fire your weapon without suppressing it, the shot will thunder loudly and clearly from a distance. So you should fire your weapon only if you are sure you can win the fight and kill. After you finish, they may come to investigate.

Silencers, however, greatly reduce weapon noise, making it much more difficult for other players to land pearls on your position. If you can get a silencer for your gun, especially your favorite assault rifle, you should. It's pretty hard to come by, so don't expect to find it often. But if so, they're totally worth getting.

The best stuff comes from care packages

Sometimes in PUBG games you can hear the roar of an airplane engine. Occasionally, the cargo plane that dropped you off on the island will fly overhead and then slowly drop a large red care package to the ground.These crates will be marked with smoke as they hit the ground.

Supply Drops are randomly distributed, but are where you'll find the game's best weapons, including sniper rifles, medical kits, high-end his attachments, ghillie suits, and more. Bush. The problem is that most of the time supply drops attract a lot of players. If you want to wager and play crates, expect big fights. If you can approach cautiously and wait for the other players, you might be able to kill a few or each other before you aim your big gun.

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