Apex Legends Mobile - Aftershow Patch Notes

 Apex Legends Mobile's upcoming Aftershow update is almost here, with a launch date set for October 4th at 5:00 PM PT / 8:00 PM ET. The announcement that the second season of the game was getting a third Battle Pass came as quite a surprise (the previous seasons had two Battle Passes each), leaving fans wondering what exactly the Aftershow update contained. Today, players' questions were answered when the game's developers posted a link to the Aftershow patch notes on Twitter.

A blog post on EA's official website goes into more detail, describing maps, gameplay changes, and other updates. However, one thing is conspicuously missing: a new legend. It looks like this will be the first Apex Legends Mobile battle pass to launch without a Legend to accompany it. This may be a result of the developers choosing to focus on game balance, perhaps hoping to avoid an oversaturation of legendaries. With the mobile game previously adding mobile-exclusive legends at a breakneck pace every other month, it makes sense that the reshuffle would take some time. But the new Battle Pass is also shorter than the previous one and cheaper – an Aftershow Battle Pass costs just 299 Syndicate Gold (~$3).

Regardless, there's still plenty of unique content coming to Apex Mobile when Aftershow launches. Several in-game events have been announced, including one that, if completed, will unlock Fade as a free playable character – a rare opportunity in a mobile game. Another new addition, Solos Mode, will give players the opportunity to experience Apex Legends as a lone wolf without any team supporting them (or blaming them for their mistakes).

Check out the full patch notes from the developers below, or read Respawn's blog post for more information on what to expect when Aftershow launches on October 4th.

Aftershow Patch Notes


A brand new Battle Pass with amazing cosmetics is up for grabs at an unbelievable price! Unlock the Aftershow Battle Pass for 299 Syndicate Gold. This Battle Pass is shorter than usual, but still full of amazing rewards!


Get ready for the ultimate solo challenge. No teammates, just you and a map full of enemies fighting for the title of Apex Champion! 


Additional reward-filled events will appear in-game throughout the season. So keep your eyes peeled for these limited-time promotions that bring amazing rewards!

Take Back - October 8-18 (0:00 UTC)

Fade debuted at Worlds Edge in May. If you haven't unlocked this Phasing Punisher yet, now's your chance! Complete missions to unlock him during this limited time event!

Battle Pass Boost - 8-10 October and 15-17 October (0:00 UTC)

During this time, additional missions will be available to further advance your Battle Pass XP experience to speed up your progress!

7 Day Log-in Series - October 14-21 (0:00 UTC)

Log in every day during this time period to receive additional rewards and the Epic Loba Skin, which will be available at the start of the Champions Season after the Afershow.

For mode – 11.-12. October (0:00 UTC)

During this time, additional seasonal currency will be available through special missions that you can complete by playing HACK. Get extra rewards and empty the VIP shop!

Sniper Showcase - 5-11 October (0:00 UTC)

Practice your long game against your enemies by completing special sniper missions during this time period to earn special rewards including the Saltwater Skin Sentinel.


Starting October 12th, the team will be making minor changes to Kings Canyon. Encore Galore and Pythas Theater will leave the map for now. This will affect ranked and normal Battle Royale. Don't worry, seasonal currency from bins will still be available on the map.


Complete missions on select weekends to earn Rank Protection cards to help protect you from losing points during a match if you or your teammates get into any unfortunate circumstances!

Every day of the event:

Sign up to get a rank protector - which automatically prevents the loss of rank points if that loss would lower your rank.

Complete two ranked matches and get a ranked point protector - which automatically prevents you from losing ranked points if your hot drop goes wrong!

All ranked tier and ranked point protection will expire after 7 days or after the end of the season and you will be automatically notified when they expire. This protection will only be available after participating in events and will not be available for purchase, so mark your calendars!

Rated Protection Card Event Schedule:

8-10 October (0:00 UTC)

15-17 October (0:00 UTC)

Play with your friends:

Up until Platinum, we've removed all rank restrictions on who can participate in playing a ranked game together. For example, if you're gold and your friend who's pushing for Apex Champion is climbing for bronze, you'll now be able to play ranked together!

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